9 Fundamental Video Marketing Tips – For Beginners

Why is video important for business? Because it engages customers in a way no other kind of content can.

They not only save time by ensuring clarity of communication but also help your business grow at twice the pace. Although videos have been around for quite some time, the last couple of years has seen a steep rise in the demand for video content.

This transition has a lot to do with customers spending more time online and some effective video marketing strategies.

Now that the era of video content is in its prime, it becomes imperative for marketers to ensure that they market this content for maximum penetration and impact.

1. Embed Video in your Landing Pages

Stats indicate that when marketing videos are embedded in landing pages, they can increase conversion rates by 80%. Place your video strategically on your landing page to gain the maximum clicks.

Videos on your landing page keep visitors on your landing page for a longer time. The longer a user stays on your website, his familiarity with your brand and service offerings increases, thereby increasing the chances of conversions and trust factor as well.

Videos allow you to build a deeper consumer connection as well.

2. Give them a story to relate to

A video is a journey from the brain to the heart. How effectively you help the viewer to travel the distance is all that matters.

Irrespective of what kind of video you are promoting, they all must have a flow and a story that connects with the audience.

Everyone wants to create a video that goes viral and makes it to their audience’s favorites list. But to have an impacting video, you need to have an exceptional storyline first.

3. Your target group makes a LOT of difference

It is easy to get carried away by the “more the merrier” quote, but while marketing the video, it is important to segment your audience based on the style and tone of the video. Significantly, the language, content, and message connect with the target group.

The best way to ensure that your video makes an impact with your audience is to ensure you create a video AFTER you segment your target and not vice-versa.

If you know the target beforehand, the journey of the video right from the creation to the marketing stage will be smooth and impactful.

4. Pay attention to the length of your video

Your audience has a short attention span and therefore, it directly impacts the video content and its marketing strategy. Although hard to believe, statistics suggest only 20% of readers read an article from start to finish.

According to recent studies, the ideal length of videos is under 2 minutes. The challenge lies in creating an impactful video with the right message well under two minutes.

Interesting video content makes it easy for marketers to penetrate the market.

5. It has to be Mobile Friendly

Over 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube every day and almost half of it is being viewed on mobile. Mobile-friendly videos are viewed most.

Ensure maximum SEO value by using well-written descriptions tagged with pertinent keywords.

6. Make your first 10 seconds most effective

An effective video tells a better story than any sales pitch you can think of. The first ten seconds of the video decide whether the viewer will see it complete or not. Make it intriguing and attractive.

Create a viable and interesting storyline that gets to your audience. Good video content will help in effective marketing and get more shares and clicks. Keep the intro short and powerful with no pauses.

7. Make your Title SEO friendly and Be Mission-focused

A boring title doesn’t get many viewers, be it text-based content or video. Make sure you use relevant keywords in the title with the help of a keyword research tool so that the video shows up in search engines.

Create a title that connects with your audience and hits a chord. Try not to focus wholly on the product’s benefits – rather, channel the video’s message into the product’s mission.

For example, if you’re marketing a school’s digital content, capture people’s imagination by showing rural schools in need of your product and how you can help.

Some of the most popular videos online today don’t showcase the product, but the vision of the company.

8. Use the power of Social Media to promote Videos

Twitter and Facebook campaigns have a proven record of making videos popular. Put it on social media, create a paid campaign or boost the post and your video can reach thousands in no time.

Adding a share button or re-directing them to the landing page is also a great strategy to bring traffic. If a viewer clicks on share, his contacts are also likely to see the video thus offering you further organic reach.

9. Use Videos in Email Marketing

Did you know that adding just the word ‘video’ in your email increases the email opening rate by 19% and the click-through rate by 65%? It also decreases unsubscribers by 26% as per research statistics.

It’s easy to incorporate videos into your ongoing email campaigns. When using Salesforce or Hubspot, you can incorporate the video viewing data into your lead scoring and later ask your sales rep to call the user allowing a higher conversion rate.

The Take-Away

Over 80% of all web traffic will be video-based by 2019, and 90% of consumers report that product videos help them to make the right purchasing decision.

Product companies need to create videos that inspire the audience to make quick purchase decisions with the help of effective video marketing strategies and content.

Effective marketing of any content is the result of an intelligent strategy well executed. Learning how to do video marketing too, will take the perfect blend of content, strategy, and execution, at the right time to the right audience.

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