5 Ways to Do Keyword Research for SEO Content Writing

How to get your audience’s attention within the first few sentences so that they’re hooked for the rest...

Consider you’re telling a story; you want your audience’s attention within the first few sentences so that they’re hooked for the rest. How do you achieve that?

This is a dilemma that every content writer, marketer, blogger, and business owner faces.

The right keywords make the difference between masterfully crafted content that shows a deep understanding of your audience’s requirements and mediocre content that doesn’t care.

The secrets of successful SEO content writing depends on the Keyword Research Tool and researching for keywords the right way.

Here are the 5 easiest and most effective ways of doing keyword research for SEO content writing.

1. For Keyword Research Observe What’s Happening In Your Niche

Review customer and prospect surveys to see what keywords you can glean. Read niche reviews online, and keep an eye on the latest niche news and updates.

For example, if you’re writing for the toy industry, look up technological innovations being made in the toy world such as advanced robotics. You’ll find many keywords associated with your latest products.

So don’t despair thinking about how to choose good keywords. You’ll find them easily enough.

2. Leverage Keyword Research Tools

You can make use of one of the following tools to do your keyword research. Some of these are free tools for Keyword research – Google Predictive Search, Google Trends, Keyword Tool, and Google Adwords Keyword Planner.

Use these tools to mine the rich treasure trove of keyword data online. These tools can help you identify patterns via keyword mapping so that you can quickly figure out what your audience wants.

3. Understand What Your Audience Wants

If you’re not sure what interests your audience, you need keyword research via search engines. Use Google to find out what tickles your audience’s interests.

Get to know your audience’s concerns; find out which of their issues are resolved and which are not yet fulfilled. Use these aspects to flush your content.

When your audience notices that your content is somehow answering their unvoiced queries, you’ve logged a win. There is an interconnection between Good content and SEO  and you need to leverage this interconnection to succeed.

4. Listen To Twitter

Do you want to know what people are saying about you? Then open the floodgates of social media on your PC. Listening to social media is a smart way to keyword research.

Listen to what your competitors are saying on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. Listen to what your audience is saying on different forums. You can score many choice keywords and keyword phrases just by following your customers on social media.

While you’re at it, look up complaint and discussion forums online and listen to what people are saying about your firm. It’s hugely beneficial.

5. Look Up Searches For Your Competition for effective Keyword Research

Look for your competition online and see what keywords come up at the bottom of the search results page.

You never know what you’re missing until you check what your competition is doing. Keep an eye out on your competitor’s followers and the keywords they use in conversations.

You’ll have to do a bit of stalking, but it pays off in the long run.


By reviewing and analyzing the keywords you source through multiple means, you can build up a growing repertoire of keywords and key phrases that will hit the target, time and again.

What you want is an increased readership for your content and better sales on your site. The best way to achieve this is to design your content to match user intent.

Grab their attention and as long as you keep meeting their unspoken needs, you’ll win them over.

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